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January 30, 2010


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Hi LisaJanelle,
What pretty tumblers! Thanks for sharing and have yourself a lovely Pink Saturday weekend.



you lucky girl...what a special friend you have.


Oh my!!! Those are just amazing!! What a sweet gift! And just perfect for your home!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Lisa

Pom Pom

Very nostalgic! I like to think of all the treasures, lined up in long ago cupboards . . . Happy Pink!


Pink Saturday is such a fun time of the week for me in the wintertime. Michigan winters are not only cold, they are very gray and today is no exception to the rule.

Thank you so much for sharing your blog this Pink Saturday and for making my day brighter and pinker and more fun!☺

The RETRO is marvelous! I have a few glasses but nothing so darling.

♥Wishing you sunshine surrounded by those you love today, tomorrow and always♥

Joyce, IL, USA

Lucky you to have such lovely Pink vintage glasses.
Joyce M

Diva Kreszl

these are just wonderful...very retro!!!


So retro and 50's, I love them. They remind me of American bandstand, great music and parties. Happy Pink Saturday, Char

Jennifer Kirby

I love the glasses! What a great gift to get!Thank You for sharing your Pink!

Have A Great Day!
Happy Pink Saturday!

Livin' With Hoosiers

Country Romantic

It's been so long since I've visited and just wanted to say I enjoyed my visit and hello dear friend! :)

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