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October 24, 2009


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Awesome pink pumpkins! I've seen some but you found a lot of really good ones!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Lisa


I have some of Ronda's pumpkins! Aren't they wonderful? Check out my post today as I'm showing an office chair slipcover I bought from her. Happy PS!


The images you found to share with us today are just wonderful. I hope you are having a great Pink Saturday.


Wow, I love them. We're having Pumpkin Palooza today, can't wait to see how everyone decorates theirs!

Happy Belated PS!


OMGosh! What wonderful pink pumpkins!! Happy Pink Saturday! Come by and visit when you get a chance.

Back Porch Blessings,


Love those pinks and the fabric pumpkins are just to die for. They're wonderful. Happy belated Pink Saturday and have a lovely week.


I have been seeing a lot of pink pumpkins this fall, it's just perfect don't you think!!?? What a great post, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

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