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October 17, 2009


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Your pink thermos is great fun! I hope you are having a wonderful day.


Ohh Lisa I love the thermos and the table cover in chenille is perfect!

Enjoy your weekend!

tami kenner

Hi Lisa...everything looks fantastic!
Happy pinks...xo Tami

Coralie Cederna Johnson

What a gorgeous dining room and all!!! Love your color choices! Have a great pink Saturday and be sure to come visit!


Lisa, that is the best! I love love love the thermos. Happy Pink Saturday!


Sorry I'm a little late. Seems like when the sun is out I feel a desperate need to go outside and run errands or just life my face to the heavens and soak in the last rays before winter hits my neck of the woods.

It's always so much fun to share in the pink goodness of the blogs gathered together for Pink Saturday. A collection of some of the nicest women and prettiest blogs in cyberspace!

Wishing you a weekend filled with l♥ve and sunshine!


Oh LIsa, your candy corn is so cute and chic. Makes a great table decoration too. I love your room, Happy Pink Saturday, Char


Oh I am so glad to see you back! Life gets too busy sometimes! I have missed you. There are several of my sweet friends back this week and I am so happy!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Lisa


I really love your dining room wallpaper! Happy Pink Saturday a day late! Please stop by my blog-I'm doing a giveaway until Friday, 10/23. Hugs, Leslie

Real estate Philippines

Lovely to have a centerpiece on the second and third photo, fit for a living room in a center with fresh flowers.

Deirdre G

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