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July 06, 2009


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Lee Laurie Noll

I just found your blog while I was on 'Rate My Space'. I love it. When I have more free time, I'm going to go back and read some more older posts. I love your home and your decorating style. Come visit me sometimes.

Lee Laurie @ A Southern Rose

Jean Eakin

Oh Lisa, I can't look at your menu and recipes. I have to eat better, I have to eat better. Do you think if I click my heels together it will happen?
You have a wonderful week.
Jean in virginia


Yummy! I'm So glad you are back!!


Those are a for sure this week! YUM-O!
Thanks :)


Hi Lisa Janelle,

It has been so long since I've visited that it took me awhile to catch up on your blog. :) So much has happened....Congratulations Grandma (again) What a cutie! Hope you are feeling better today and hugs & blessings I'm sending your way!!


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