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July 22, 2009


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Elizabeth Marchus

Hi Lisa,
I love Grandma's chair and your vintage linen looks great on the side table and chair. What a perfect place to rest and watch the sun set.
Take care and enjoy your day,


Your porch is so cute!!! It makes me want to sit a spell and chat with you.

Connie in Va.


I love it! You made it look so inviting!
Hugs, Lisa


Love that old jug.....and the candles! So glad you were happy with the new banner! xoxo, cherry

Jean Eakin

Lisa, I wish I could come and sit with you. It looks so peaceful and pleasant. You make magic in creating a welcoming home.
Love and hugs,
Jean in virginia


Your porch looks so warm and inviting. I love the touches of red. You have done a great job! Jackie

Carol @ Old Glory Cottage

Hi! I just discovered you via Daisy Cottage, and I love your porch, and all of the decorations on it! And that pink jug on your table, that you're using as a vase, is so stinkin' cute!! Going to snoop around the rest of your blog now!

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