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May 02, 2009


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I just love your house. All your pinks ar just the greatest!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Lisa


That marriage license from 1905 is so wonderful! What a treasure! I love the way you displayed your vintage hankies! That is really clever. Your home is so cute and cozy! I love it!

Hugs, Sharon


Wonderful post for this l♥vely Pink Saturday. This is one morning of the week that I sit back, stroll from blog to blog and indulge myself surrounded by my favorite color.

I wish you a blessed weekend filled with sunshine and surrounded by those you l♥ve.


I love the marriage license! What a treasure - I wish today's licenses were so pretty! Happy Pink Saturday!

Jennifer Kirby

What an Awesome Heirloom that Marriage License is! That surely is a great Treasure. I love the candle holders. The whole arrangement on your kitchen island is so cute.
Happy Pink Saturday!


What a treasure that license is. Your home looks so cozy and pretty. Wonderful of you to share it with us this Pink Saturday.


I think you and I have the same taste in wallpaper!! I have very similar paper throughout my home.

What a wonderful treasure to have a family heirloom that's also dressed in pink!

Have a great weekend!


Thanks for the great PINK today. Happy PINK Saturday, Esther


I think the marriage licence is a keeper for sure, how lucky you are, makes me wonder where are parents licence's are, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

Jean Eakin

Lisa, how lucky you are to have such a great and beautiful family piece like the marriage license, and how perfect for you that it is in pinks. Hope you have a wonderful week.
Jean in Virginia

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