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May 30, 2009


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OH MY...vintage beverage sets are one of my favorite things ever.

Just love your margarita pitcher and glasses. And the liqueur set is gorgeous!

Happy Pink Saturday!


OOOOHH! What great pinks!!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Lisa


Wonderful pinks! Happy Pink Saturday!


There's just something about Pink Saturday that brings our the sweetness in people. Beverly sure knew what she was doing when she brought her concept to the world of blog.

Your offering for this FIRST PINK SATURDAY ANNIVERSARY is wonderful! This is the one day of the week where I can totally indulge my passion without spending a dime!

Wishing your and those you love a special weekend filled with sunshine and family fun!

Jean Eakin

Lisa, i just love pink things you can drink. All your pink glass is really beautiful too. You have a wonderful weekend.
Jean in virginia


look at your wallpaper.. I love them! oh gosh.. i love your house! all so vintagey.. and pink glasses with a therma jug as a vase, great idea! creative! happy pink saturday


A pitcher and liqour set full of pinks inside. mmmmm would love to have a sip and taste :-)

Happy PS!



Love you Pink Saturday post and I'm going to add you to my google reader.

Enjoy your day!


I love Stone Hill too!... though I prefer their merlot, which is not quite so sweet, but I love it! Love the pink Thermo-jug!! So CUTE!!! Happy Pink Saturday, and hope you're having a great week!


the set is so pretty and just in time for the celebration. Happy pink saturday and I am so late, sorry about that, there are lots of posts this week, Char

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