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May 23, 2009


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I just love that pile of jewelry!

Lisa Kistler

Your place is so sweet I don't mind having to wait to come and visit! Hope your time is happy!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Lisa

Jean Eakin

Lisa, You just always seem to have a treasure trove of great pink goodies. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday weekend too.
Hugs and good summer fun to you and yours,
Jean in Virginia

Jennifer Burgess

Ooooh, I love your dining area. The pink pitcher is my favorite of these but all are so pretty.

Have a wonderful and meaningful Memorial Day.



my MI always let my girls play with what she called junk jewery, however they said gunk gewly. love your gunk gewly....and the pretty little watering can. HP, Heidi


your collecion deserves center stage. Thankyou for sharing all the lovely pieces with us, happy pink saturday, Char

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