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May 09, 2009


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Seeing your pink coffee has me craving a cup! I'm off to brew a pot now!


How absolutely wonderful! Beverly sure knew what she was doing when she created a place for all of us "pinkies" to congregate and share our "pinkness".

Happy Mother's Day to you. I hope you find yourself surrounded by those you love, good food, and a gentle peace in your ♥. We don't need to be a mother to know a mother's life. After all we all started out with a mom, didn't we?☺


I love your beautiful cottagey kitchen and love the blue of the room beyond. The blue may be a trick of the light but I love that combination of colors!

Happy Pink Saturday!
Erin :)



What a lovely pink kitchen! I was going to join Pink Saturday for my first time but didn't make it in time. I thought she had Mr. Linky. Anyway, hope you can come by for a visit. Happy Mother's Day!

Pink Blessings,


Very beautiful and very inviting, Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Mothers Day too, Char


Happy Pink Saturday and Have a great Mother's Day ~ Susan


Your kitchen is so cottage and cozy, Would love to hang out for coffee while you cook! I love it! Madeline


I love your cozy kitchen - it is so inviting! Happy Pink Saturday!


Hi Lisa Janelle!
I adore your kitchen. The chenille curtain is my favorite. I hope to decorate my own kitchen like yours when we get our house in September. I'll use your kitchen as in inspiration room.

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Pink Saturday
Deanna :D


As usual I just love visiting your beautiful home! We like so many of the same things! I love all the hankies you use in your kitchen! Now I have to run and add some to my Kitchen!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Lisa

Jean Eakin

Lisa, I can never see too many photos of your warm and inviting kitchen. Its raining here today and I sure would love to be sitting in your cozy "pink" kitchen.
Have a great Monday.
Love and Hugs,
Jean in virginia


Oh, your cozy, pink kitchen is just beautiful. Love reading and seeing the pretty pics. Hope you had a wonderful pink,Mother's Day weekend.

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