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May 16, 2009


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It's raining cats and dogs in Upper Michigan today with oodles of cold wind. Not very spring-like so traveling from blog to blog on Pink Saturday is really a treat for me today.

Thanks so much for sharing a little something of yourself today. I really need all the pink I can get with the weather we are having☺

Hoping this weekend is filled with the j♥y of being surrounded by those you love and those who love you.


Love all your vintage hats! So pretty! And I love lilacs, too. Happy Pink Saturday!

Susie Jefferson

What a fabulous hat collection! A very Happy Pink Saturday to you!


Hi Lisa,
I love that second pink hat! I'd wear it for sure. They are all adorable.

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Pink Saturday
Deanna :D


Hi Lisa Janelle, what a gorgeous card and I love all your hats so pretty. Happy Pink Saturday!


she is of course, soooo cute. Love that smile, it could light up a room, happy pink saturday, Char

Jean Eakin

Lisa, your card is so sweet and I love your vintage hats. I was told to singe the stems of lilacs to make them last longer. I haven't tried it but was told it would work by a fellow gardner. They are beautiful no matter how long they last. Have a great sunday evening.
jean in Virginia

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