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April 11, 2009


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That gum ball machine is fabulous... love those baskets and quilted bunny!


this is my fave Pink Saturday post.. so many pretty vintagey pink stuff.. i love the teacup & sugar bowl and the enamelware. Happy Pink Saturday & happy Easter..


Good Morning LisaJanelle, :)

Happy Pink Saturday!!

I love that pink gumball machine. Does it work? We used to have one but it wasn't pink. It got broken. :(

Hugs & Blessings,



Happy Easter!!! Love those old baskets- reminds me of when I was little. Have a wonderful weekend!


I have a red gumball machine in my kitchen...empty, cause when I fill it with M&M's I get in trouble.
happy pink,


Oh my gosh, I love that pink gumball machine! Happy Pink Saturday!

Jean Eakin

The pink gumball machine is one of my favorite of your pink "stuff". Oh Lord, how many pennies did I put in those things when I was a kiddie. Its a wonder I have any teeth. Lisa, You have a wonderful pink Saturday.

Jean in Virginia


What fun!! I love the gumball machine! Those baskets look perfect to - are you going to picnic this weekend? Happy Pink SAturday!


♥A lovely and purr-fect Pink Saturday blog post. During this most holy time of the year I am wishing you rainbows, gracious days, dewdrop nights and the love of friends and family to comfort you and hold you close.♥


I love the gumball machine and am so surprised that there was one in pink. I only remember red ones and maybe blue too. Great post, thankyou and Happy Pink Saturday, Char

Jennifer Kirby

I love the Gumball machine! I had the exact basket(the round one) for my Easter Basket growing up! Thank YOu for shring your Pinks!
Happy Pink Saturday!


Your vintage baskets and quilt bunny are just the best. I've been coveting them for awhile now!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Happy Easter!
Hugs, Lisa

Linda Pepa

Love the gumball machine! too cute, so pink! Happy Pink Saturday!


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